I am a hospitalist and Assistant Program Director of the Internal Medicine residency at Kaiser Oakland. I grew up in St. Louis and then went to Duke University for college. After completing medical school in 1995, I pursued residency in internal medicine at UCSF followed by a year as chief resident at UCSF. I then joined the UCSF Hospitalist faculty as an Assistant Professor, and in my role as clinician-educator was recognized with the UCSF Housestaff Teaching Award.
In 2002, I joined the hospitalist group at California-Pacific Medical Center where I was integrally involved in teaching as the Associate Residency Program Director. I edit a medical textbook, First Aid for the Internal Medicine Boards, now in its second edition, and I am an Associate Editor for the Journal of Hospital Medicine. I am active with the national Socitey of Hospital Medicne as its past Ethics Committee Chair, Vignette Competition Chair, and past director of its Critical Care precourse.
I joined Kaiser in 2008 because I feel it matches my deep and varied interests in internal medicine. Kaiser is committed to patient safety and delivering the highest quality of evidence-based care to its patients, and I look forward to being part of the team educating the next generation of physicians as an Assistant Program Director of the Internal Medicine Residency.
When I am not at work, I enjoy spending time with my wife, Lisa Kinoshita, a Kaiser Oakland Radiologist, and our 2 young children, Kai and Miya. If I don't answer a page right away, it probably means I am on a soccer field somewhere pursuing my true calling in life, or maybe out running or biking in the East Bay hills or watching the Warriors.