I was born into a family in which service and education were valued very much. Added to that, my love of science made medicine a natural choice for me.
I went to Stanley Medical College University of Madras in India. After graduating I took some time to travel. I did my residency in internal medicine at Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Santa Clara. When I was in residency, I realized taking care of sick people and making them feel better was very gratifying. Hence, I chose hospital medicine as my career.
I think medicine is 50% service and 50% science. I strive to provide 110% of that when I am taking care of my patients. I like to take care of my patients the way I would like to be taken care of.
In the vast field of medicine, nephrology and critical care are my special clinical interests.
In addition to working in the hospital, I also work at the PeriOperative Medicine (POM) Clinic. If you are planning to have surgery, your surgery scheduler will schedule either an office visit or an evaluation by telephone with me or one of my colleagues. During this appointment, we will review your medical history and medications. If indicated, we will also order preoperative lab work and studies. We will provide you with instructions you will need for your surgery. I work in partnership with the anesthesiologists and surgeons to make sure you are prepared for your surgery. Keeping you comfortable after surgery is also very important to us. Your physicians, nurses and other care givers will work together to ensure that your pain is addressed and treated as effectively and as safely as possible.